Writer, Speaker, Culture Commentator, Editor and Publisher – Hal Niedzvieki
Hey. I’m Hal Niedzviecki. I write about contemporary life. I’m actively fighting for free expression and the end to unjust cancelations, identity politics madness and compelled speech. I’ve written a bunch of books — novels, short stories and nonfiction. I’d be grateful to you if you spent some time checking out my books, reading my articles, getting to know what I’m all about. My newest book is called The Lost Expert. It’s a novel about a guy who accidentally assumes the identity of a Hollywood movie star. It’s funny and sad.
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Recently, I was interviewed by The National Post’s Christopher Dummitt where I talk about shutting down Broken Pencil magazine and the cancellation of last autumn’s Canzine festival. You can read the entire article “He is pro-Israel. Literary activists destroyed his life’s work” at The National Post.